100 Women Who Care Alamogordo was established in 2017 and currently has 164 members.
How does 100 Women Work?
100 Women Who Care Alamogordo is just that, 100 or more members, all women who care about charitable organizations in Alamogordo. Each member commits to donate $400 per year, $100 each quarter. ​Group meetings also occur once per quarter and are limited to one hour.
Each quarter, select charitable organizations will present to the membership, a charity will be chosen and all funds from that quarter will go to the chosen charity.
Members bring a check to be written out directly to the selected charity. If a member is unable to attend a meeting she may give her check to another member to deliver on her behalf or she may mail it in after the meeting.
All donations will be given to an Alamogordo, NM non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations benefiting national charitable organizations will not be considered.
Only Members who have signed an Individual Commitment Form may submit an organization for consideration.
Members who wish to submit an organization for consideration must complete a Charitable Organization Fact Sheet. You may only nominate one organization per quarter. Three organization names will be randomly drawn two days prior to the meeting. The three organizations will be contacted and representatives will then have time to prepare for their presentation. If there is an immediate/emergency need at the time of the meeting, it may be presented as one of the choices.
A Q&A session of 2-3 minutes will take place immediately following each presentation and directly preceding Member voting.
Each Member will vote by designated 100WWCA chip or completed absentee ballot. Majority rules. Even if your choice does not win, all Members are responsible for writing a check to the winning organization.
If a Member nominated a particular organization that is not chosen, the Member is still eligible to submit the same organization at subsequent meetings or until such charity is chosen. If a Member’s charity is chosen, that charity is not eligible to be considered for one year, however, the Member is still eligible to submit the name of another charity.
In the case of a two-way tie the membership will be provided with the names of the two organizations and a second vote will be taken. If the second vote results in another tie then we will randomly pick one of the two organizations out of a hat. In the case of a three-way tie, we will randomly pick one of the three names out of a hat.
The winning organizations must agree not to use the names of the Members for future solicitations or give member information out for any other public use or purpose. The organization is also required to send a representative to the next meeting to explain to the Membership how the funds have been used.
The goal of 100 Women Who Care Alamogordo is to donate $10,000 each quarter, or $40,000 per year. Help us meet our goals, join today!
100 WWCA Leadership Team 2017-2018
Renee French-
Founder of 100WWC Alamogordo-LT/SC
Robin French-Steering committee/Leadership Team
Tina Martinez-Steering committee/Leadership Team
Cheri Rabon-Leadership Team
Vicki Reed-Leadership Team
Jenny Nirh-Technical Support
Amanda Jewell-Grapevine
How long has 100+WWC been in the Alamogordo area?
100+ Women Who Care Alamogordo is new, starting in 2017!
Which organizations are allowed to be sponsored?
In order to be considered at a meeting, the organization must be based in and serving the Alamogordo area. The organization must be a non-profit entity recognized as a 501(c)(3) and must be previously established organization (for at least one year, no start-ups). National and international charities, programs and organizations will be considered so long as 100% of the donated funds stay in our community. Political organizations will not be considered.
What is a 501(c)(3)?
A 501(c)(3) is defined as “exemptions that apply to corporations, and any community chest, fund or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, educational purposes, to foster national or international amateur sports competition, promote the arts, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.” However, for the purposes of 100+ Women Who Care, all groups up for consideration must be local.
Is my contribution tax-deductible?
Yes, your contribution is tax deductible if made payable to a 501(c)(3) organization. Checks are written directly to the local organization, NOT to 100+ Women Who Care. Please contact your tax adviser or visit the IRS website for further information.
What if I cannot attend a meeting?
If a member cannot attend a meeting she can do one of two things. 1. She can send in a blank, signed check with a trusted friend to the meeting. The friend will write in the name of the charity that is chosen on the check and give it to the organizers on her behalf. The friend, however, may not vote on behalf of the absent member, unless a signed 100WWCA absentee ballot is presented at check-in. 2. The member can check the website or contact one of the organizers to find out which charity was selected, and then send a check to the organizer. The organizer will send it to the charity on her behalf.
Can I just send the donation to the charity myself?
The goal of the 100+ Women Who Care organization is to make a large donation on behalf of the whole group. We want to be able to support this endeavor and give $10,000+ at a time to make a large impact in our community, with each member’s donation being part of the larger donation.
How long do the meetings last?
Meetings are intended to be very short, generally lasting approximately 45 minutes but no longer than 60 minutes. However, you may come to a meeting early in order to spend time socializing and getting to know other members or to go out to dinner afterward with members.
Can I bring a friend to the meeting?
Of course you can! However, in order to vote she will need to sign an Individual Commitment Form and become a member first.